Homesickness School
- 27 Apr 2014, 04:00pm to 05 Mar 2015, 05:00pm

The Homesickness School is an incubator for participatory public art projects in Logan City that will be ‘inhabited’ by nine local artists with the convenors, Elizabeth Woods and Kevin Leong. Its objective is to create an optimal environment for the development and production of six temporary public art projects in Logan City, and to build a practical, self-propelling foundation for the production of future creative projects.
The school works on the principle of mutual knowledge and skills exchange: although the convenors provide operational structure, there is no natural hierarchy of teaching and learning. The convenors offer their experience in participatory art projects while the artists offer their local knowledge and production skills, in an environment of free exchange and open discussion. Guests drawing from diverse backgrounds will also participate in the school; they will be selected for their specific expertise in areas related to projects under development.
The school’s weekly classes are open to the public, who are invited to observe the operation of the group, to share in school’s knowledge base and to participate in discussions. Information about classes, including their times, locations and guest lists, will be available here, approximately one week before each session.
Please notify the convenors on if you would like to attend the classes, or would like more information.