George Budd

George Budd born and raised in Logan City (then called Woodridge) and remains active in the local community as an artist. His practice is influenced by a respect for the natural environment and environmental concerns.

He identifies with the Homesickness Project not only through his experiences living in Papua New Guinea and the U.S.A., but also through his frequent contact with new immigrants and his work in disability care.


15 Jul 2014, 11:52pm

Cutting up paper plates, sticking drinking straws and cups to cardboard for hats?

Can we really have a voice in fashion, or is it all too hard?

Words are not in short supply in this project but something is. Do we need more people, resources or talent? None of these things are truly as limiting as some may think. Many have done powerful work with far less of these. Confidence is the main issue confronting us right now as a group, as a community. Are we sure of what we want to say? Will our work be liked, understood, worthwhile?

20 Jun 2014, 11:53am

He asked us to call him Ali. Coming to us in search of music, the story Ali shared of his life in Africa spoke of a traditional kingdom in the desert disturbed by the voice of the gun. What gave these words power and a visceral response for many in the group was the demonstration Ali gave.

15 Jun 2014, 07:31pm

Tuesday 10 June. Anne Grant, Therese Flynn-Clarke and I met for a chat over a cuppa. Two focus points, establishing a united approch to investigating the Eagleby White House as a Home for HULA, and colaberation of Anne and Myself in our upcoming joint workshops in mask making with LACOTA.

Thursday 12 June. Elizabeth Woods and I met Sue Connelly and had an encouraging introduction to Plans for LACOTA to be involved in mask making workshops ( Facing Home ) as a valuable element of the "Homesickness Project".

05 Jun 2014, 01:49am

Monday 2 June, found me at Kingston East Neighbourhood Centre (KENG) taking part in the second workshop in the series delivered by Sharka Bosakova, titled Finding Your Way Home. The group that gathered shared some very moving personal stories as we each pursued our ideas of home.

28 May 2014, 09:14pm

Yesterday ( 27 May '14 ) I met with Liz Woods and Kevin Leong to share some thoughts I hoped may help the Homesickness project.  They agreed  that mask making could be a useful vehicle to produce a group work. I am  to run  a series of workshops to culminate in making a video of performance ( with masks ) as well as recording some of the making process. After checking out Daisy Hill Park as a site to feature in the work ( see photo ), I went home to lodge my first invoice and ponder preparations for this adventure.