BoysTown Yarning Circle
BoysTown (Kingston), Uncle Barry Watson, Aunty Freda Mitchell, Aunty Robin Williams, Uncle Noel Summers, Aunty Gloria Fisher, Yugumbir State School, Kingston College, BoysTown Banam Yilgahn Program, YFS (Youth Family Services)
Peace and social cohesion are often amongst the first factors identified in a well-functioning society and this is very much the target of the partnership between Evangeline Goodfellow, David Pearce, the traditional and community elders of Logan and Bark Lab in BoysTown Yarning Circle. The contemporary, ergonomically-designed, mobile yarning circle, marked by the seven ceremonial yarning poles, was conceived by the artists as the roving site for a series of yarns (traditional, informal, culturally-friendly exchanges of stories) intended to progressively ease the tensions between the many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Logan. Here, home is a peaceful region where conflict is avoided through an open and convivial dialogue between factions.
With thanks to:
Robert Anderson. Brett Britnell, Zack Burnard, Simon Burr, Samantha Cora, Emily Dillon, Marjorie Elworthy, Natalie Haestier, Yasmin Holland, Cassie Izatt, Losalini Kale, Louanna Kemp, Darren Knight, Renee Mam, Salu Mam, Tina Mam, Saffron Martin, Peter Meares, Kaio Mooka, Nelem Mooka, Amanda May, Patrice O’Chin, Justin Ord, Shaylee Phimister, Bonnie Randall, Lily Ryall, William Ryall, Iesha Sampson-Booth, Rayna Smith, Robert Stonehouse, Alyssa Williams, Tyrel Zerafa